Island is the answer to new demands for Internet speed

Internet loads exploded during the pandemic, creating new expectations for network speed and reliability; it’s safe to say we’re never going back. The expansion of bandwidth-intensive applications is driving even higher demands. Island was created for any device-laden, access-hungry home or business network whose owners want to see who’s connected and what’s going on, in real-time.

Willie Howe, Tech Reviewer

“You can’t slow this thing down..”

Steven Brawner, ProAudio Georgia

“A higher-end product that’s easy to set up..”

John Orth, Trusted Wiring Solutions

“New-device notifications, Dual-WAN support, and great parental controls..”

  • Easy installation with pre-configured features means faster installs. You can avoid the hassle of IP address changes for an entire network with Island’s Smart Swap™ technology. And remote Island access lets you provide support and service customers from anywhere.

  • Island’s hardware and software were designed in unison for maximum reliability and uptime. Rebooting an Island is rare; software updates are automated within seconds and Dual-WAN failovers are hardly perceptible. Customizable notifications can instantly alert you to any activity you deem important. It all equates to customers needing less of your time, and more time for you to focus on important tasks.

  • The Island app provides an unprecedented view of network activity on a per-device basis. The app also offers remote access, remote booting. and secure Island-to-Island hopping. Popular management platforms, OvrC and Domotz both actively support Island as well, making integration a snap.

  • Our select group of qualified partners is geographical and we keep vertical considerations in mind to avoid over-distribution. Importantly, Island includes features such as VPN and filtering for which most other brands charge extra. Island’s policy of no subscription fees means you can keep all the margin on service offerings you create and manage.

What Island can do for you:

One large component of our company ethos is no subscription fees. While most competitors charge for security filtering and VPN—down to license fees for every VPN user—Island has integrated these product features free of charge. Security filtering includes parental controls at home and productivity controls for the office. So you have the option to set up service extensions to clients however you see fit—and bill accordingly.

No subscription fees. Ever.

It may sound simple but we grasp human interaction is superior to a chat-bot. While many router companies charge monthly fees for support, few seem to appreciate true customer service. We do everything we can to help our partners be successful. Yes, we have an email ticket system and a forum to help resolve common problems, but when you find yourself needing a personal touch, we have a U.S.-based team here to serve you. 

Human support. Stateside.

Island offers a unique pairing in the world of routers:  a very fast, carrier-grade product with a simple-to-navigate app interface. Your customer gets all the perks of enterprise routers—security, capacity, VPN, and more—but they can manage it themselves. From a bird’s eye view down to a specific device or user, Island brings comprehensive power to your customers.

What Island does for your customers

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